Manchester Zombie Pride Photos


Zombie Pride raises £2k for the LGF

By Peter Stanners                                                       

Zombie Pride returned with a vengeance to raise more than £2000 for the Lesbian and Gay Foundation.

The Halloween fundraiser, which took place on Saturday 30 October 2010, crept through Manchester’s Canal Street on a monster bar crawl before taking over a decked-out Legends nightclub for three floors of hair-raising hi-jinks.

Bollox, KBeard, Trash-O-Rama and Bad Taste Barbies offered their musical talents for free for the event and Legends also donated the venue.

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LGF launch Pop-in counselling service

By Pete Stanners

Manchester’s Lesbian and Gay Foundation officially launched its Pop-In counselling service at a special event for National Coming Out Day.

The foundation (LGF) announced its new service, which provides 40-minute no appointment necessary sessions for people with trained support staff, at Come in, Come Out last week.

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